How to Build  a Future on a R.O.C.K.

How to Build a Future on a R.O.C.K.

Imagine for a moment that you could not read this sentence.

Or add 2 + 2.

Or write your name.

I do not have to imagine such a tragic existence. As a youngster I lived it.

My name is Sammy Kamara. I was born in the neglected village of Teahplay, in the northern section of Liberia. I credit my ability to survive such a destructive ordeal to the caring examples of my hard-working parents. I was also blessed with persistence, favor, and the good graces of God’s love.

It is heartbreaking to know that so many youngsters burdened by a lack of education still exist. You can’t blame them. No one ever took the time to teach them.

With the help of my wife Carol, we are working to change this appalling reality – at least in the parts of the world where Carol and I grew up. Carol was born in Jamaica. She witnessed similar conditions, where proper schooling and support did not exist. This contributed to ignorance of basic life skills, poverty and destroyed hopes for the future.

In 2010 Carol and I created R.O.C.K. – Reaching Out to Children with Kindness, a 501c3 non-profit organization. Our goal has been to bring desperately needed education, emotional and spiritual support to at-risk children and teens in Liberia, Jamaica as well as here in the United States.  

We are proud to say over the years R.O.C.K. has helped several children with support that has improved their lives. Building on these successes we have embarked on our most ambitious project to date.

We have begun the process to build a Learning Center and dormitory in Teahplay where I was born. The village has donated 30 acres of land for the Learning Center and dormitory.

It will include a 2-story building with 24 classrooms, a library, auditorium, offices, and outdoor stage. It will also include a 2-story, 20-room dormitory, along with rest room facilities and a large water tower.

Estimated cost for the Learning Center is $300,000. Our goal is to raise the amount by December 31, 2021.

We encourage you to browse our website:  You’ll see an artist’s rendering of the future Learning Center, along with more details about R.O.C.K.’s mission and accomplishments.

You will also see ways you can become a part of this important project with your tax-deductible contribution, plus other ways you can become involved.

I also invite you to the website to see how you can order my memoir Breaking Point – A Journey to Self-Awareness and Finding Purpose in Pain. It tells how I overcame poverty, physical and emotional abuse and managed to create a life dedicated to helping others.  Proceeds from the book go to help R.O.C.K. and the Learning Center and dormitory.

Watch for future R.O.C.K. blogs written by Carol and me.

You can also help by forwarding our blogs to family, friends and co-workers who share our vision to help bring education and support to needy children.

With best wishes for a happy 2021.


Sammy Kamara